You have chosen the 'Black History Month' premade word list. You can add, remove, replace words as you choose, or click the premade word list link to choose a different list.
Enter the words you want to hide in the form below OR choose a premade word list (just below the instructions box).
Click the large green "Generate Word Search" button near the bottom of the form to make your free custom puzzle quickly.
You can now create online NEW!PLAYABLE and NEW!SHAREABLE word search puzzles! Or make PDF's, Images, or just print them.
Ads Blocked:That's OK! You are viewing a 'AD-Free' version of our site that has limited functionality You will get a MUCH IMPROVED application by simply allowing our advertisements to show! If you are completely against ads, we do have a fee supported site that contains no ads, and also offers a few extras over our ad supported site! BEFORE puchasing anything or leaving the site, may we suggest turning off your ad blocker and make 1 worksheet just see what you're missing by trying the ad supported version - we think you'll find it is well worth it! If not, we understand and thank you for giving us a try! (How do I turn off my Adblocker?)
Here are solutions to 95% of the problems people have! Click question to see answer
All of our worksheets have answer sheets. After creating the worksheet, there is a blue menu next to the puzzle/worksheet on the left side of the window. At the TOP of this menu click on "Answer KEY" to get the answers.
Don't see this blue menu on the left AFTER creating your worksheet? This happens for 2 reasons. Click here to read why.
Your browser is low on memory and javascript has shut down in the browser. Usually caused by any of the following: too many browser tabs open, too many apps installed (or a poorly coded app installed), or you just haven't rebooted the computer in a long time. REMEDY: Reboot your computer and try again. This restores browser memory and restarts the javascript engine.
If you are running an Ad Blocker (like Adblock, Adblock Plus, uBlock, etc), this can break our site and cause the blue menu NOT to show. REMEDY 1: Whitelist our site in the ad blocker, refresh page (sometimes a full computer reboot is required) and try again. If banner ads are not showing, you are still blocking them. OR REMEDY 2. You can purchase a premium subscription and no ads will show and you will have access to options in the blue menu.
Browser is low on memory and the javascript engine has shut down in the browser (usually caused by too many browser tabs open or a badly coded extension that is installed and leaking memory). REMEDY: Rebooting the computer will resore memory to the browser. Alternatively, if you know your way around Task Manager (CTRL+ALT+DEL), you can shut down ALL instances of the browser using Task Manager, then restart the browser and try again.
If you only have 10 lines and you see grey or pink boxes asking you to turn off your ad blocker, you need to turn off your ad blocker to get more lines. Still having the problem after stopping your ad blocker from blocking ads? Be sure to REFRESH the page. If after whitelisting and refreshing the page you still can only add 10 lines, you need to restart your computer. AdBlockers cause numerous problems on our site so make sure ads are showing (this sometimes requires computer reboot!) and then try again. We have 3 options for our users: a. Advertisement Free (generally 10 lines - depends on which puzzle maker), b. Ad Supported (generally 30 lines), and c. Premium Paid Subscription (generally 50 lines)
Check your printer settings to make sute that you are printing at 100% or "Fit to Page" when the printer options pop-up. Sometimes people have changed this setting for a previous print job and forget that it was set to a lower setting to make somewthing fit
This is a bug that happens on RARE occassions with certain computers. We have traced it to happening on computers that have either high resolution, or the with of the resolution of the window is more then 2x the height of your browser window. So if you get a tiny puzzle, try resizing your browser window to be more square. Be sure to let us know if this works - we can't replicate this issue, we just know that on the rare occasion it happens, it is because the browser window is wide and short at a ratio: width is more than 2x the height. We are unsure if making your window more 'square' will fix or not - let us know!
ALL options can be adjusted using the BLUE MENU to the left of the puzzle that is created. If you do not see a blue menu, click here to see why.
First reason this could happen is because you are blocking our ads. Turn off your ad blocker (better yet - whitelist our site in your ad blocker), then REFRESH the page. If this doesn't work, you may need to reboot your computer for the adblocker to stop blocking ads.
Second reason is that your browser doesn't have enough RAM to run the Javascript on the page. This usually occurs because too many tabs have been opened or a poorly coded extension is installed that leaks memory. You MUST completely close all instances of your browser to reallocate memory and restart the javascript engine. If you don't know how to accomplish this with Task Manager (CTRL+ALT+DEL on Windows), then you will need to reboot the computer to accomplish the re-allocation of memory.
This is caused because javascript does not have enough memory to generate the crossword puzzle. Usually caused by having too many tabs open or a poorly coded app is installed. REMEDY: Reboot your computer and try again. Alternatively, if you know how to use Task Manager (CTRL+ALT+DEL), you can shut down every single instance of your browser and open a brand new browser and try again (closing all browser tabs by itself will not work).
Duplicates. If you have 'words' that are duplicates, the duplicate may (or may not) show up. The more duplicates, the more likely you will be missing some/most. If you only have one duplicated word and it is missing from your puzzle, try regenerating the puzzle to see if it will get included. If you have 2 duplicates, you can try regenerating, but less likely all duplicates will make it in the more duplicates you have.
This really isn't a reason, but some people will enter 20 clues and see that the puzzle only goes to the number 18. Sometimes words will share a number (i.e. "1 across" and "1 down" would share a number reducing the overall count, so make sure the reason it is gone isn't because of that.
Please email us: [at] gmail [dot] com
Tell us which puzzle maker you are using
Give as much detail about the problem as possible
Which browser (chrome, Edge, Safari, Firefox?), and which Operating System (Windows, Mac, Chromebook)?
You get 20 save slots, all words and clues will be saved
Your word lists are available anywhere and on any device you log in on.
Not a premium subscriber? (Premium Users can disregard the next 4 sub-points)
2 Saving slots, up to 20 words/clues saved each slot (subject to change)
Cookies and Javascript must be enabled to use this option.
You MUST be using the same computer and browser to access previously saved lists.
If you ever delete your browser cookies, all of your saves will be lost.
This option saves your WORD LIST (not the puzzle - just the words you entered)! Be advised: our generators make a new puzzle each time you generate them. Therefore, loading a saved list will not generate a puzzle identical to one made at a previous time, it will only keep you from having to re-enter lists.
Click to save word list to the indicated slot.
Click to load a previously saved list.
Word searches and Scrambles have 1 list. Match-ups and Crosswords have 2 lists. Click to load the second list on a single list puzzle.
When saving, only the title and word list(s) are saved, no other options will be preserved.
UPPERCASE or lowercase? It is in the blue menu after making the puzzle under "Advanced Options..."
TIP: Use the "Fun Options" for neat options like:
1. Hide "WordSearchPuzzle" but show "Word Search Puzzle" in the word list! and
2. Hide "SantaClaus" but show "Who visits on Christmas?"
Watch the video below for more fun tips!
Enter your words and remove all spaces
Select the proper language for the puzzle
Check the Fun Options checkbox
Click the "Fun Options" button
There are tons of things you can do with the "Fun Options". Watch the video to see how easy it is:
Check out our "Fun Options" video, then click the button below! I understand that by clicking "Fun Options" below, it will lock out my word list above to further changes, and saving options will be unavailable.
Fun Options
Options below will alter LIST of words visible on the worksheet. Hidden words are not altered.
Scramble List Words:
Scramble Just the Middle Letters
Scramble Entire Word(s)
Scramble Words
Change list letters case
all lowercase
Capitalize First Letter
Change case
Variation Ideas:
Tip #1Tip #2Tip #3Tip #4
Tip #1: Put a clue to the word they need to find. Example below:
Tip #2: First: shuffle words. Second: provide clue before shuffled word. Example below:
Tip #3: Put spaces in the phrases that you needed to combine for hiding. Example below:
Tip #4: Put spaces in the phrases, then scramble (it scrambles the words individually!). Example below:
**NEW** You have puzzle customization settings saved from a previous visit (font-size, color, etc). You can delete those settings by clicking here.
DELETE my saved customizations. NOTE: you can leave this box unchecked to view the puzzle w/customizations, and then if you don't want them return to this page, tick the box to remove them and return to default settings.
More Black History Month Lesson Plans and Activities:
We are currently working on making the site load faster, and work better on mobile & touch devices. This requires a full recode of the main structure of our website, then finding and fixing individual pages that could be effected, and this will all take a good amount of time. PLEASE let us know if you are having ANY issues. We try hard to fix issues before we make them live, so if you are having problems, then we don't know about it. Additionally, sending a screenshot of the issue can often help, but is definitely not necessary, just tell us which page and what isn't working properly. Just sending us the notification can get us working on it right away. Thank you for your patience while we work to improve our site! EMAIL:[email protected].