World Famous Puzzle and Worksheet Makers The Teacher's Corner

Money Worksheets

Carefully select your options, and then click "Generate Money Worksheet". We will open a new window with a printable worksheet and answer key. They will print on separate pages.

Money Worksheets

Note: due to variations between computers/browsers/printers, some experimentation may be required to find the appropriate number of problems to fit on a page. You can use the 'print preview' function of your browser to view the worksheet prior to printing.

Our worksheets are highly customizable and allow you to choose from several different currencies. Be sure to explore all of your options below.

Please let us know your comments and suggestions in the box below. Also, please tell a friend!



Number of Problems:

4-6 recommended for printing. (16 max)

Which Type of Money?

U.S. Dollar $
Canadian Dollar C$
Australian Dollar AUD (by request)
English Pound £ (by request)

Currency Type:

Bills (Banknotes)

Do you want Black & White or Color Money?

Black and White (will print better for B&W copies)

Black & White Coins:
US Coin Fronts
US Coin Backs

Color Coins:
US Coin Fronts

US Coin Backs

Black & White Coins:
Euro low coins
Euro high coins

Color Coins:
Euro color coins
Color high coins

Black & White Coins:
Canada Coins BW

Color Coins:
Canada Coins

Color Coins:
English Coins

English Coins
English Coins
English Coins

Color Coins:
English Pound COins

English Pound Coins
English Pound Coins
English Coins

Black & White Coins:
Australian coins
Australian coin backs

Color Coins:
color Australian coins

color Australian coin backs

How many Coins per Problem?

Limit total value of coins for each problem: (By request)


US dollar fronts
US dollar backs
US dollar fronts
US dollar backs
US dollar fronts
US dollar backs
US dollar fronts
US dollar backs
Euro BW Low Bills
Euro BW High Bills
Euro Colow Low Bills
Euro Color High Bills
Canada 5 bill BW front
Canada 10 bill BW front
Canada 20 bill BW front
Canada 50 bill BW front
Canada 100 bill BW front
Canada 5 bill color front
Canada 10 bill color front
Canada 20 bill color front
Canada 50 bill color front
Canada 100 bill color front
English Pound Bills
English Pound Bills
English Pound Bills
English Pound Bills
Australian Bills 1
Australian Bills backs 1
Australian Bills Front 2
Australian bills backs 2
Australian bills fronts 1
Australian bills backs 1
Australian bills front 2
Australian bills backs 2

How many Bills per Problem?

NOTE: The more Coins and Bills that you use, the more room the problem will occupy on the page!

Number the problems?


Order Coins & Bills
(By Request)

Highest to Lowest
Lowest to Highest

Coins or Bills first?
(By Request)

Coins first
Bills first

Number of Columns:

1 column
2 columns (more padding around problems)
3 columns
4 columns (less padding around problems)

Experimentation on your part will be required to find how many columns you should use.

NOTE: Limit your money worksheets to a certain value, ie: Each problem not to exceed $1.00 - Simply choose your options above and generate the worksheet. Then DOUBLE-CLICK any coin or bill to remove it from the problem!

Be SURE to read our 'Advanced Options' tab above. The worksheets generated can be manipulated to adjust fonts, number of coins, etc. Details are outlined in that tab.

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Please give us feedback on our Worksheets!
If something is not working properly, please email us screenshots and browser used!
  • What can we do to make them better?
  • If you get a chance, please tell a friend!
  • Are these worksheets helpful?
  • Feedback submitted may not be read immediately. If you require a reply, please use the email link above and include as much info as possible.

Any problems? Please let us know!