World Famous Puzzle and Worksheet Makers The Teacher's Corner

Black History Month Match-up Worksheet

  1. Enter your words and their match in the form lines below OR choose a premade word list (just below the instructions box).
  2. Click the large green "Generate Word Search" button near the bottom of the form to make your free custom puzzle quickly!
Spell Check: Enabled Spell Check Enabled
Black History Month Match-up Worksheet
These Match-Ups were created here!
You enter any subject and we will generate all of your words and clues for you!
Import a word/clue list into the form that is already made
We have some pre-made lists that you can use:
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Shuffle First Column
Shuffle Second Column
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Premium Members
NOTE: Certain fonts may not have all punctuation
Premium Members: Click Here to ADD ANY FONT that you
have installed on your computer (for printing only).
Number the matchups and use letters on the second column items (recommended)
Add a small line before each item (If unchecked there will be no place to show the answers - so no KEY will be generated)

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Puzzle Problems? Click here for solutions!
Save Puzzle Howto saving optionsWord List Saving Optionssaving options Save your entered words for our other puzzle makers
**NEW** You have puzzle customization settings saved from a previous visit (font-size, color, etc). You can delete those settings by clicking here.

NOTE: You have chosen to use a premade list submitted by other users. These lists MAY be inaccurate or incorrect. Please double-check for inaccuracies. If you find an inaccuracy, please let us know which list, and what the error is in our comments box below. Thank you!!

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If something is not working properly, please email us screenshots and browser used!
  • What can we do to make them better?
  • If you get a chance, please tell a friend!
  • Are these worksheets helpful?
  • Feedback submitted may not be read immediately. If you require a reply, please use the email link above and include as much info as possible.

Any problems? Please let us know!