Enter your crossword words and clues in the form below OR choose a premade word list (just below the instructions box) OR use the Quick Add Box to create your crossword clues and answers with Artificial Intelligence (AI).
Click the large green "Make Crossword Puzzle" button near the bottom of the form to make your free custom puzzle quickly.
You can create online playableNEW!and sharable puzzlesNEW!, or make PDF's, Images, or just print them.
You enter any subject and we will generate all of your words and clues for you! TIPS Video
Import a word/clue list into the form that is already made
We have some pre-made lists that you can use:
FAQ's and Troubleshooting
Can I make a PDF of the crossword and store this on my computer?
Yes. Click the "Save As..." button in the options menu to be presented with saving options.
I need a WORD BANK. Can you add this to your options?
It's always been there. We have a ton of options, so it is understandable if you didn't find it! After you create the puzzle, it is in the blue menu under: Advanced Options > Word Bank Options
When I PRINT - the LEFT side gets cut off! Or it is obstructed by the left menu.
Are you clicking the "Print Puzzle" button on our menu? You MUST click that button to print.
I put in 26 words - but only 23 are put into the puzzle!
FIRST: Are you sure all your words aren't in the puzzle?? Just because you put in 26 words and you see numbers 1-23 on the puzzle, DOESN'T mean all your words aren't on the puzzle. Some words SHARE a number!
If you really are missing words, do you have duplicate words? Duplicate words are currently causing issues. The best thing to try is to "regenerate" the puzzle (Advanced Options > Puzzle Options > Regenerate). Do this a few times to see if all words get included, as a completely new puzzle is created each time, BUT the more duplicates you have, the harder it will be to get them all to show by regenerating the puzzle. In general a couple of duplicates and regenrating should get them all in, 4 or more and it starts becoming difficult (we are trying to find a solution). Hope this helps!
Can't print OR No puzzle shows up - only the clues.
This usually occurs for 1 of 2 reasons:
Try closing ALL instances of your browser, then re-open and try again. Reason: This crossword maker takes a decent amount of your browser memory. If you are already using too much, it will not make the puzzle. This usually occurs with too many tabs or you browser hasn't been restarted in a long time. You must close ALL instances of your browser for your computer to reallocate that memory to a single window. Do it - it's worth it!
You have a very old browser. This crossword creating tool uses technologies only available on the latest browsers. Try Google Chrome browser - it works wonderfully! (especially if you are on an old operating system like WindowsXP).
Can I put this worksheet on my website? Can I put this worksheet in my book? etc.
Yes. *Any worksheet generated on https://worksheets.theteacherscorner.net may be placed on your website, or in a book (for free or for resale) provided you keep our citation on the puzzle (ie. "Created using TheTeachersCorner.net Crossword Maker"). Please send an email to [email protected] and let us know the URL or name/type of publication where you are republishing our puzzle. This way we can add it to our records, and won't hassle you if we happen to come across it.
How do I adjust font size? How do I change the font? Can I add my own images?
Yes. Once you create the crossword, there are a bunch of options on the left. You can change font, font size, font color, background color, add/remove name and instructions and add pictures. Be sure to check out all of the option buttons on the left!
I don't see a blue menu to the LEFT of my puzzle, OR I can't see a print button, OR I can't get to the KEY, OR Nothing shows up.
If you are NOT a premium subscriber, AND you are using an ad blocker it often breaks our website with unpredictable problems. You need to whitelist our site, and some blockers would require you to restart your browser or restart your computer for the whitelist changes to take effect.
We are currently working on making the site load faster, and work better on mobile & touch devices. This requires a full recode of the main structure of our website, then finding and fixing individual pages that could be effected, and this will all take a good amount of time. PLEASE let us know if you are having ANY issues. We try hard to fix issues before we make them live, so if you are having problems, then we don't know about it. Additionally, sending a screenshot of the issue can often help, but is definitely not necessary, just tell us which page and what isn't working properly. Just sending us the notification can get us working on it right away. Thank you for your patience while we work to improve our site! EMAIL:[email protected].