World Famous Puzzle and Worksheet Makers The Teacher's Corner

Printable Worksheets - Reading

Quick and easy Reading Worksheets that you can print and immediately use in your classroom. All of the worksheets are housed on The Teacher's Corner. We will continue to add worksheets for all of the seasonal events, so check back for new additions!

General activities and resources: football, bird feeding, New Year's, snow, etc.

  • Hanukkah
    Resources, books, and lessons to help students learn about and celebrate this holiday.
  • Christmas
    Hands-on activities and fun.
  • New Year's
    Help your students ring in the New Year.
  • Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
    Lessons and resources to commemorate this important man.
  • Black History Month
    An entire unit devoted to this month. Find web sites, lessons, activities, and books.
  • Super Bowl
    Bring the "Big Game" to life in your classroom with fun and educational ideas.
  • Groundhog Day
    What is that Punxsutawney Phil up to?
  • Chinese New Year
    Find resources such as calendars, puppets, food, and more.
  • Valentine's Day
    Lessons, activities, and resources to help speak the language of love.
  • President's Day
    Learn about Abraham Lincoln and George Washington, as well as the office of President.
  • The Iditarod
    This annual race offers great learning opportunities for your students.
  • St. Patrick's Day
    Luck of the Irish will come to you and your students with these activities.
  • 100th Day Celebation
    Great resources and activities to celebrate your first 100 days of school.

The Teacher's Corner Resources EMAIL us your favorite Sesonal - printable worksheet. Please be sure to include a short explanation of how you used the worksheet in your classroom.

Any problems? Please let us know!